Vice Ganda's Spoken Poetry Made Every Audience in Araneta to Shed a Tear!

Vice Ganda's spoken poetry at his concert "Pusuan Mo" in Araneta. The poetry had many people relate and look back to their heartbreaks.
Vice Ganda has been awarded as an all around male performer because of his multiple talents both in comedy, acting and even singing.

He held many successful concerts before that will always fill Araneta Colosseum to the last chair.

Spoken poetry is one of the most popular ways of expression nowadays. Poets tell their poetry at a podium and tell a story to their audiences. This is what Vice Ganda had tried at his concert.

Upon hearing every word that is definitely heartfelt, many people had their heart held softly at the hands of Vice Ganda. Many had shared the poem and had related to it.
SOURCE: youtube